Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)

Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Early Intervention (EI) services are provided to eligible children from birth to age 5 with developmental delays and disabilities.

Infant Toddler Early Intervention Services and Family Supports are funded through the Department of Human Services (DHS). Preschool Early Intervention is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).  

Within the Infant/Toddler EI program, the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports is responsible for managing the allocation of state and federal funding to 48 County/Joinders Early Intervention programs, providing guidance to local programs regarding compliance with Act 212, IDEA, and Pennsylvania regulations, verifying compliance with state and federal EI requirements, providing families with required supports and protections (including investigating formal complaints) and collecting, managing, and reporting data regarding child count, compliance, and other information. 

Family Support Programs include, but are not limited to, state and federally funded evidence-based home visiting programs, community-based family centers and Children’s Trust Fund child abuse prevention/positive parenting programs. 

Within the Preschool EI program, the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports is responsible for managing the allocation of state and federal funding to 34 local Preschool Early Intervention programs, providing guidance to local programs regarding compliance with Act 212, IDEA, and Pennsylvania regulations, verifying compliance with state and federal Early Intervention requirements, providing families with required supports and protections (including investigating formal complaints) and collecting, managing, and reporting data regarding child count, compliance and other information.  


Each BEISFS division works with local programs to ensure compliance and understanding of appropriate statutes, regulations, and policies. Early Intervention advisors oversee the monitoring and verification process and determinations. In addition to these responsibilities, the Division of Eastern Operations and Monitoring oversees the Family Support Program staff and federal Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) Health Integration Prenatal-to-Three Program grant responsibilities. 


Each BEISFS division works with local programs to ensure compliance and understanding of appropriate statutes, regulations, and policies. Early Intervention advisors oversee the monitoring and verification process and determinations. In addition to these responsibilities, the Division of Western Operations and Monitoring oversees all low incidence disabilities (e.g., vision, hearing) supports, verification, and services delivery. 

Each BEISFS division works with local programs to ensure compliance and understanding of appropriate statutes, regulations, and policies. Early Intervention advisors oversee the monitoring and verification process and determinations. In addition to these responsibilities, the Division of Standards and Reporting oversees BEISFSS' statewide data system (HCSIS/PELICAN EI), determination processes, and federal and state reporting requirements. 

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