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​Pediatric Extended Care Centers

Services provided by the Pediatric Extended Care Center (PECC) include but are not limited to the development, implementation and monitoring of a comprehensive plan of care, developed with the involvement of the parent or legal guardian which specifies the medical, nursing psychological and developmental therapies required by the medical dependent or technologically dependent child served as well as the caregiver training needs of the child’s legal guardian.

Act 54 of 1999, known as the "Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers Act" became effective November 15, 1999.  The Act requires the Department of Health to license Pediatric Extended Care Centers (PECC).

The Act defines a Pediatric Extended Care Center as “…any building or buildings or other place whether operated for profit or not for profit, which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide basic non-residential services to six or more medically dependent or technologically dependent children who are not related to the owner or operator by blood, marriage or adoption and who require such services.”  Prior to admission a prescription from the child’s attending physician and consent of a parent or legal guardian.
A Pediatric Extended Care Facility must ensure compliance with Act 54 of 1999.  In order to meet the Life Safety requirements of the Act, you must contact:
Mr. Charles Schlegel, Director
Division of Safety Inspection
2525 N. 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717-787-1911 or visit the building safety page.
Architectural construction plans for your proposed facility must be submitted to the Division of Safety Inspection for review and approval.
When your facility is within thirty days of final construction in accordance with the approved Life Safety plans, please complete the Initial Application for PECC License (below), and email it to the Division of Home Health at ra-dhhomehealth@pa.gov (keep in mind that Commonwealth email servers block emails with large attachments, you may have to email the application as separate attachments in multiple emails).  Also, include with your application evidence that a bond has been posted and please furnish proof of adequate liability insurance coverage or protection. 

Please note that the application will not be forwarded for review until the check/money order for $500.00 is received.  The fee must be mailed.

Pediatric Extended Care Center Application for Licensure

Initial Application for PECC License

You must also provide administrative, personnel, and care and service policies.

If your application is in accordance with Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers rules and regulations, the Division will issue you a license.  Please keep in mind the length of time for the licensure process depends upon the accuracy of information provided.  

Mail the application fee as a check/money order to:
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Home Health
2525 N. 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110




PECCs by County with Survey Results

​DHS - Child Abuse Clearance Form

PA State Police - Criminal Background Checks
PA State Police check must be for "employment" purposes. "Volunteer" or “other” checks are not accepted. 

New Fingerprinting Services Information

Change of Administrator/Point of Contact Form​

All agency updates must be reported to the Division by emailing a letter attachment to ra-dhhliceonlychange@pa.gov

Email ra-dhhomehealth@pa.gov