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AIDS and HIV Infection

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), is a disease of the human immune system, which progressively reduces its effectiveness and leaves the individual susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors.

Department of Health Data

EDDIE(opens in a new tab)
See the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and Deaths datasets.
Death Statistics(opens in a new tab)
A large volume of tables including statistics on a variety of death topics.
Pennsylvania Vital Statistics(opens in a new tab)
An annual report of births, deaths, abortions, pregnancies, and population statistics.
Behavioral Health Risks of Pennsylvania Adults(opens in a new tab)
Reports containing data from annual surveys of modifiable risks that affect people's health.
HIV/AIDS Annual Summary and Other Reports(opens in a new tab)
Includes Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) annual summaries and prevalence and incidence trends.
Healthy People(opens in a new tab)
A report that tracks the progress of public health objectives in meeting their goals by the end of the decade.

External Data Sources

AIDS & HIV FastStats (CDC)(opens in a new tab)

HIV/AIDS (CDC)(opens in a new tab)

Philadelphia Department of Public Health FAQ: HIV & AIDS(opens in a new tab)

Allegheny County Health Department: HIV/AIDS Screening Program(opens in a new tab)