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The Pennsylvania Department of Health partnered with Dr. Vincent Covello of the Center for Risk Communication and Drexel University School of Public Health Center for Public Health Readiness and Communication to produce a number of risk and crisis communication tools. These videos, featuring  Dr. Covello, include topics such as communication skills for public information officers, message mapping, writing a press release, nonverbal communication, the joint information center, working with the media and using social media in disasters. Videos and additional resources accompany them.

Risk and Crisis Communication Tools

Social Media Message Library

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has recently worked with the Drexel University School of Public Health Center for Public Health Readiness and Communication to develop a number of social media messages.

This resource features message templates for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and includes content relevant to the preparedness, response and recovery phases of at least 20 different public health disaster scenarios. It also features distinct messages that target the unique needs of individuals with access and functional needs, including those with physical disabilities and communication difficulties. The messages have been reviewed by subject matter experts in hazard content areas and in public health risk communication. They were designed to help public information officers and other spokespersons create and deliver timely, accurate and consistent information that will likely be needed during a public health emergency.