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​​​​​​Pennsylvania Immunization Electronic Registry System (PIERS)

What is PIERS?

Managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Immunization Electronic Registry System (PIERS) is a confidential, computerized immunization registry that records vaccine doses administered and reported by participating providers in Pennsylvania (excluding Philadelphia). PIERS supports healthcare providers by allowing connected practices to send and receive immunization data with the goal of achieving complete and timely immunization data for all Pennsylvanians, children through adults. Reporting vaccine administrations to PIERS is required for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy interns as well as any vaccine supplied by the Pennsylvania Immunization Program, such as through the Vaccines for Children Program; however, all other health care providers are strongly encouraged to participate as there are many benefits to participation for healthcare providers as well as patients.

Immunizations that an individual received from different healthcare providers are combined in PIERS to create one complete record of all reported immunizations for that person. Complete vaccine records can serve as a resource for health care providers to help determine the appropriate immunization needs of their patients.  PIERS can also facilitate vaccine ordering and inventory management for health care providers who are enrolled in federal immunization programs such as the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program.

PIERS helps to support the Pennsylvania Department of Health's mission by creating a central location to capture and store immunization information received from participating health care providers. This information can then be used to estimate vaccination coverage, inform the development of programs to improve vaccination coverage, and decrease the harm caused by vaccine-preventable diseases in Pennsylvania.

Finally, PIERS supports Pennsylvania residents by providing an official source of one's immunization history when needed, such as for school, camp, and day care enrollment.

How to Access PIERS?

For facilities not yet established in PIERS that wish to participate in the registry, staff can submit a ‘Request to Create a Clinic’ form available at the PIERS Document Library.

For staff at participating facilities, access to PIERS can be requested by completing the Business Partner Registration process through Keystone ID. For instructions on how to register as a Business Partner, please see the PIERS Business Partner Regist​ration Guide.  

PIERS Business Partner Registration

Once the PIERS Business Partner registration process is completed, an initial email notification will be received stating that the request is under review with the Pennsylvania Immunization Registry. When the request is approved, a second email will be received from RA-DHPIERSSUPPORT@PA.GOV with a PIERS User Agreement and Account Request Form attached. Once this form has been successfully completed, submitted, and approved, a final email will be sent with a link to PIERS and login instruction. 

Please note: Business Partner refers to any individual that is not a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania employee that will need access to PIERS to view an immunization record, report a vaccine administration, place a vaccine order, or manage vaccine inventory. Business Partner does not refer to a business, facility, or clinic. In addition, each person at your facility accessing PIERS will need their own individual Business Partner/PIERS account using a unique email. Accounts cannot be shared amongst multiple people in the same facility.

Business Partner Login Issues

PIERS users that are having issues logging in (locked out or need a password reset) should contact the Keystone Key Login Support Hotline at 717-214-6752. The hotline is available from 7:30am-11:00pm Monday-Friday.

PIERS Training

Office staff, medical assistants, nurses, physicians, and pharmacists responsible for documenting immunization information and/or managing vaccine inventory (including placing VFC orders and returns) should register for a PIERS workshop.

Registration for PIERS training courses will take place via TRAIN PA. If you do not already have a TRAIN PA account, you must register for one prior to registering for a PIERS training course. If you do not already have a TRAIN PA account, please click on the link below to register for one. For additional assistance in creating a TRAIN PA account, please see, "How to create a train account"

To search for the PIERS workshops from the TRAIN PA homepage:

  1. Click Courses under Search.
  2. Type PIERS in the search field and click the magnifying glass or press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the name of the workshop you want to attend.
    *Please read the description for the workshop – some are specific to HL7 or non-HL7 clinics.
  4. Click Register for the date you’d like to attend.

All questions concerning PIERS training can be sent to RA-DHPIERSSUPPORT@PA.GOV.

Immunization Records

To request your immunization records, please complete the Authorization for Release of Immunizations Records Form. You will need to upload a copy of your photo ID. 

If you are unable to submit your request via the web form above, you may complete this form and email or mail it, along with a copy of your photo ID.  Please be aware this will require additional processing time.

Please only submit one form. A representative of the Pennsylvania Department of Health will review your request and contact you if additional information is needed. Please allow 7-10 business days for fulfillment of your vaccine record request. If you have questions, please email us at RA-DHVaxRecords@pa.gov or call 877-774-4748.


Contact Us

Bureau of Communicable Diseases
Rm 1026, HHS Bldg.
625 Forster St.
Harrisburg, PA  17120
717-772-3258 (fax)