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Information about immunizations for infants, children, teens, and adults.

Looking for mpox vaccine info?

Mpox vaccines are effective at protecting you from getting mpox. But, if you do catch it, the vaccine can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. That means less pain, fewer missed workdays, and staying healthy enough to do the things you love. Two doses provide the best protection—get dose 1, wait 4 weeks, and then get dose 2. Learn more about mpox and talk to your doctor about getting the two-dose mpox vaccine today or find mpox vaccines near you​.

Are your child's vaccines up to date? Are yours?

Looking out for your child's total health and wellness includes keeping them up to date on preventative immunizations, allowing them to be their best self every day. It's also important to stay up-to-date with your own immunizations because immunity from childhood vaccines can wear off over time. 

What vaccines does your CHILD need? Take the childhood vaccine quiz(opens in a new tab) to see recommended vaccines and when they should receive them.  

No insurance? The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program provides vaccines to children who do not have health insurance. 

What vaccines do ADULTS need? Use the adult vaccine assessment tool(opens in a new tab) to find out which vaccines are recommended for adults based on age, health conditions, job, and other factors. 

  • Learn more about vaccines for adults.

Looking for a replacement COVID-19 vaccine card? We can help by sending you a record of your immunizations! Please visit the PIERS page(opens in a new tab) and complete the Authorization for Release of Immunizations Records Form.