The Pennsylvania Infant Death Program seeks to minimize the devastating impact of an infant death on affected families and to reduce the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), suffocation and strangulation through a public education campaign.
Act 73 Information
- Act 73 of 2010(opens in a new tab)
- Acknowledgment Form (click on your preferred language below)
- (English/Spanish(opens in a new tab)/Amharic(opens in a new tab)/Arabic(opens in a new tab)/Bengali(opens in a new tab)/Bosnian(opens in a new tab)/Cambodian(opens in a new tab)/Chinese Simplified(opens in a new tab)/Chinese Traditional(opens in a new tab)/French(opens in a new tab)/German(opens in a new tab)/Guatemalan Spanish/(opens in a new tab)Haitian Creole(opens in a new tab)/Hindi(opens in a new tab)/Indonesian(opens in a new tab)/Japanese(opens in a new tab)/Karen(opens in a new tab)/Khmer(opens in a new tab)/Korean(opens in a new tab)/Mandingo(opens in a new tab)/Nepali(opens in a new tab)/Portuguese(opens in a new tab)/Russian(opens in a new tab)/Somali(opens in a new tab)/Swahili/Turkish(opens in a new tab)/Urdu(opens in a new tab)/Uzbek/Vietnamese(opens in a new tab))
- Frequently Asked Questions(opens in a new tab)
- Letter to Hospitals, Birth Centers and Healthcare Practitioners(opens in a new tab)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Resources
- National Safe to Sleep Campaign(opens in a new tab)
- SIDS and Accidental Suffocation Brochure (click on your preferred language below)
- (English(opens in a new tab)/Spanish(opens in a new tab)/Arabic(opens in a new tab)/Bosnian(opens in a new tab)/Cambodian(opens in a new tab)/Chinese Traditional(opens in a new tab)/French(opens in a new tab)/Hindi(opens in a new tab)/Korean(opens in a new tab)/Mandingo(opens in a new tab)/Russian(opens in a new tab)/Somali(opens in a new tab)/Vietnamese(opens in a new tab))
- American Academy of Pediatrics(opens in a new tab)
- Cribs for Kids(opens in a new tab)
- PA Safe Sleep(opens in a new tab)
Safe Sleep Resources
- A Parent's Guide to Safe Sleep(opens in a new tab) (Produced by the American Academy of Pediatrics)
- What Does A Safe Sleep Environment Look Like?(opens in a new tab) (Produced by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- What Does A Safe Sleep Environment Look Like? - Spanish(opens in a new tab) (Produced by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- ABC Safe Sleep(opens in a new tab) (Produced by PA Safe Sleep)
Contact Information
Bureau of Family Health
Division of Child and Adult Health Services
SIDS and Infant Death Program
625 Forster Street
Health and Human Services Building
Seventh Floor, East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701
717-772-2762 or 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258)