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The overdose epidemic affects Pennsylvanians across the state, from big cities to rural communities. DOH takes an all-hands-on deck approach to monitor and prevent overdoses and aid individuals in accessing the care and treatment they need.

Reducing Barriers to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder - Commonwealth Guidance

This guidance is intended for prescribers, pharmacists, and other health professionals who help patients access medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).

Since the end of 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) has received an increase in complaints regarding controlled substance availability at pharmacies. Patients have reported:

Difficulty in filling their prescriptions for controlled substances-particularly opioids for pain management, benzodiazepines, and buprenorphine.

Having to call or visit multiple retail pharmacies to find one that had their medication in-stock.

Receiving lower doses than their prescriptions called for or not a full supply.

In April 2024, PA DOH joined the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Philadelphia Division to discuss best practices regarding prescribed controlled substances, specifically MOUD. PA DOH invited professional associations for both pharmacists and prescribers; local and chain pharmacies; health care systems and facilities; single county authorities; harm reduction organizations; and state and federal partners to attend this session.

During the session, the DEA Philadelphia Division and PA DOH answered a variety of questions across topics, including DEA investigation and enforcement practices, the different forms of MOUD, buprenorphine prescribing and diversion, continuity of care, and telehealth prescriptions.

In this document, Commonwealth agencies and boards including PA DOH, the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (PA DDAP), and the Pennsylvania (PA) State Board of Pharmacy answer a selection of prescribers’ and pharmacists’ most frequently asked questions.


Teens & Young Adults(opens in a new tab)

Individuals & Families

First Responders

Providers & Prescribers


If you need assistance in finding a treatment provider or funding for addiction treatment, call:
1-800-662-HELP (4357)   

Find Treatment Online:
Atlas(opens in a new tab) evaluates addiction treatment facilities' use of evidence-based best practices, includes an assessment to understand the appropriate level of care, and offers an easy-to-use dashboard to allow those in need and their loved ones to search for and compare facilities.

Additional Resources:

Opioid Treatment Agreements (Act 112 of 2019)

Vulnerability Assessment Report(opens in a new tab)

Vulnerability Assessment Report Fact Sheet(opens in a new tab)

Vulnerability Assessment Report County Maps(opens in a new tab)

Xylazine Public Information(opens in a new tab)

Xylazine Provider Information(opens in a new tab)

Overdose: Recognize and Response Statewide Resource
If you would like to receive the source file of this resource to insert local information in the QR codes area, please email ra-dh-advocacy@pa.gov.