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Epinephrine Auto-injector Administration Training for School Employees

All approved programs must provide a course completion card and/or certificate indicating the specific course title and date of completion to each individual participant successfully completing the program. It is the responsibility of each school entity and the participant to maintain a copy. A valid instructor card representing any of the approved courses is also acceptable.

As part of or following the training, school personnel must follow-up with the school nurse for review of:

  1. School policies/procedures; documentation; storage and maintenance of devices; notification of EMS and school nurse/administration; location of stock  devices (if applicable); and individual student Emergency Care Plans (ECP).
  2. Return demonstration of all appropriate devices (if not included as part of approved training).  
  3. Regardless of the recommended renewal date of the training, the hands-on demonstration and review of school specific policies and procedures is to take place annually. The school nurse may assign supplemental staff to assist with this part of the training. 

First Aid Courses

The following first aid courses have been approved. According to the providing organizations, the first aid course must be taught in its entirety. Epinephrine auto-injector administration may NOT be taught as a separate module. Recommended renewal is two years as determined by the providing organization.

Provider- First Aid CoursesCourse Name
American Academy of Pediatrics and National Association of School NursesPediatric First Aid for Caregivers and Teachers (PedFACTs)
American Heart AssociationHeartsaver First Aid; Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED
American Red CrossFirst Aid Course, must include the Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine Auto-Injector  Course (HSSSFA504)
Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI)First Aid
Health & Safety Institute (HSI)Pediatric First Aid/Child and Infant CPR and AED
National Safety Council (NSC)First Aid; First Aid, CPR & AED; Advanced First Aid, CPR & AED
SafeSchools TrainingFirst Aid

Epinephrine Only Modules

The following trainings have been approved as epinephrine only modules. The recommended renewal for these courses is two years.

Provider- Epinephrine Only ModuleCourse Name
American Red Cross (A fee is charged)
Anaphylaxis & epinephrine Auto-Injector Online Course (HSSSFA504)
Food Allergy Research & Education (Free) F.A.R.E. Recognizing and Responding to Anaphylaxis
SafeSchools Training (Free if subscribe to SafeSchools Training otherwise nominal fee. Contact SafeSchools at link to the right.)Health Emergencies: Life Threatening Allergies & Medication Administration: Epinephrine Autoinjector
​Health & Safety Institute (HSI)
Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors Online Course
PA Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Act 93 Epinephrine Auto Injector Training

NOTE: This webpage contains resources, including links to websites created by outside organizations. These resources are provided for convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by the Pennsylvania Department of Health of any viewpoints, products, or services offered or expressed within.