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Information for Birth Parents

On Nov. 3, 2016, Governor Wolf signed Act 127 of 2016. This Act outlines the process and requirements for adopted individuals to receive a noncertified copy of their original birth record. This Act went into effect on Nov. 3, 2017.

Birth Parents Seeking Additional Information

Under Act 127, the Department of Health is to release a noncertified copy of original birth record that included the names and ages of the birth parent(s) upon receipt of an Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record(opens in a new tab).

Birth parents are encouraged to complete the Pennsylvania Adoption Information Registry's (PAIR) Birth Parent/Birth Parent Survivor Authorization to Release Information and Registration Form (CY 910)(opens in a new tab) regardless of their decision to redact their name on the adoptee's noncertified copy of original birth record. The CY 910 form enables birth parents to file their contact preference and family medical history with the PAIR program for release to adoptees seeking additional information.

Birth Parents Requesting Name Redaction Services

Birth parents wishing to redact their names from the noncertified copy of the original birth record for an adopted individual must submit a Name Redaction Request(opens in a new tab) (NRR) form. This form must be received and processed by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries (BHSR) prior to BHSR processing the Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record. Once a birth parent's name has been redacted, it will not be included on the noncertified copy of the original birth record provided to the adopted individual.

In addition to completing the NRR form, birth parents must also complete the Pennsylvania Adoption Information Registry's Birth Parent/Birth Parent Survivor Authorization to Release Information and Registration Form (CY 910).(opens in a new tab)  To meet the requirements of the NRR process, you must complete at a minimum Sections I, IIa or IIIa, and VI of Form CY 910. This form (CY 910) must be on file with the Pennsylvania Adoption Information Registry for us to accept and process your Name Redaction Request Form. 

Each birth parent wishing to redact his/her name from the original birth record must submit their own separate NRR form.