Project Overview
County: Chester
State Route(s): U.S. 1
Local Name(s): Kennett-Oxford Bypass
Project Type: Highway Reconstruction
This project will reconstruct an approximately 6-mile stretch of U.S. 1 (Kennett-Oxford Bypass) just south of the Route 472 interchange and just north of the Route 896 interchange in Lower Oxford and Upper Oxford Townships, and Oxford Borough, Chester County.
Proposed roadway work includes full-depth reconstruction of the existing pavement, minor shoulder widening, guide rail replacement, drainage improvements, and new stormwater management facilities. Proposed bridge work includes the replacement of three overhead bridges, the rehabilitation of two overhead bridges, and the rehabilitation of two mainline culverts along the corridor. The mainline pavement will be lowered, or the intersecting roadway will be raised at each overpass to obtain the required vertical clearance over the bypass. Proposed traffic operations improvements include lengthening of acceleration and deceleration lanes at entrance and exit ramps, intersection control improvements at the ramp terminal intersections, and intelligent transportation systems including CCTV cameras and Dynamic Message Signs.
Approach roadway work is proposed at the intersecting roadways including Route 472, Route 10, and Route 896 to accommodate turning lanes and profile adjustments at the interchanges. Single-lane roundabouts are proposed for new intersection control at the U.S. 1/Route 896 interchange ramp terminal intersections. New turning lanes are proposed at the U.S. 1/Route 472 interchange ramp terminal intersections. New traffic signals and turning lanes are proposed at the U.S. 1/Route 10 interchange ramp terminal intersections.
This project is currently in the final design phase. It is estimated that construction will start in mid-2027 and be complete in 2029.
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.