The HAV Advisory Committee was created through Act 117, which was signed into law on October 24, 2018. The HAV Advisory Committee has the power to advise and consult the Secretary of Transportation on each aspect of highly automated vehicles and platooning in this Commonwealth and may undertake any of the following activities:
- Developing technical guidance.
- Evaluating best practices.
- Reviewing existing laws, regulations, and policies.
- Engaging in continued research and evaluation of connected and automated systems technology necessary to ensure safe testing, deployment and continued innovation in the Commonwealth.
Vision Statement
The Highly Automated Vehicle Advisory Committee is a partnership between public and private key stakeholders to ensure the safe integration of connected and automated vehicles on Pennsylvania’s roads and enhance Pennsylvania’s continued global leadership with this evolving technology.
Mission Statement
The Highly Automated Advisory Committee identifies recommendations for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the purpose of enhancing the safe and efficient movement of people and goods by advancing connected and automated vehicle technology.
Strategic Goals and Objectives
- Remain current with changing technology and identify recommendations to develop technical guidance, evaluate best practices, review existing laws, standards, and policies;
- Ensure effective laws and standards for safe and efficient transportation;
- Engage at National, State, and Municipal levels to inform and engage policymakers, partners, and the public on connected and automated vehicle technology, from needs to solutions for all modes of transportation;
- Create an environment that prepares, attracts and retains desirable talent to strengthen the Pennsylvania workforce;
- Identify sustainable revisions to the vehicle and insurance codes that anticipate future changes due to technological advancements;
- Ensure the safety of all roadway users, including law enforcement and first responders, as a key consideration;
- Connect public and private sector entities and leverage academic and research institutions to foster and sustain national, state, and local level partnerships to research new technologies and strengthen economic development and collaboration;
- Foster collaboration and information exchange with other jurisdictions and key stakeholders to identify and promote opportunities for states to work together in a regional framework;
- Support and assist local governments, regional partners and planning agencies in assessing the need for infrastructure improvements and to facilitate readiness and deployment of new technologies; and
- Promote equitable access and expansion of mobility, especially for those communities and regions that are economically disadvantaged, people with disabilities, seniors, and those underserved by traditional transportation services and facilities.
Advisory Committee Members
- Mike Carroll (Chair) - Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
- Paul Opiyo - Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
- Shannen Logue - Pennsylvania Insurance Department
- Stephen DeFrank - Chairman, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
- James Martini - Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
- Rachel Grant - Pennsylvania State Police
- Mark Compton - Chief Executive Officer, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
- Emily Yates - Deputy Chief Planning Officer - Innovation, SEPTA
- Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. - Pennsylvania Senate Transportation Committee Chairperson
- Senator Marty Flynn - Pennsylvania Senate Transportation Committee Minority Chairperson
- Representative Ed Neilson - Pennsylvania House Transportation Committee Chairperson
- Representative Kerry Benninghoff - Pennsylvania House Transportation Committee Minority Chairperson
- Dr. Raj Rajkumar - George Westinghouse Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
- Dr. Rory Cooper, Ph.D. - University of Pittsburgh
- Gerardo Interiano - Head of Government Relations, Aurora
- Kelley Yemen, AICP - Director of Complete Streets, City of Philadelphia
- Ted Leonard - Executive Director, Pennsylvania AAA Federation
- Sara Innamorato - Allegheny County Executive
- Liz Fishback - Director of State and Local Affairs, Stack AV
- Catherine Johnsmeyer - Head of Communications, Latitude AI
- David Vrona - Teamsters Local 1776
- Wendell W. Young IV - President, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1776 Keystone State
- Mark Dombrowski - Insurance Industry Representative
2024 Act 130 Special Reports (PDF)
2019/2020 HAV Annual Report (PDF)
HAV Advisory Committee Projects
Meeting Minutes
12/19/2024 Meeting (PDF)
7/17/2024 Meeting (PDF)
3/14/2024 Meeting (PDF)
10/12/23 Meeting (PDF)
3/24/21 Meeting (PDF)
12/2/20 Meeting (PDF)
8/12/20 Meeting (PDF)
4/14/20 Meeting (PDF)
2/12/20 Meeting (PDF)
12/18/19 Meeting (PDF)