September 2024
In District 8, 101 projects are underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year, with a total value of $590.7 million. You can find weekly updates of planned department maintenance activities on the District 8 page.
Bridges Repaired, Replaced, or Preserved*
Miles of Roadway Improved *
Projects +
Million in Projects +
+ Underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year in District 8 | * From January 2024 Through December 2024
19 bridges were repaired, replaced, or preserved by PennDOT or industry forces through December 2024. 392.71 miles of roadway were improved by department or partner crews through December 2024. This includes 120.34 miles of paving. See projects happening or planned near you at PennDOT's Project Website.
From January through December 2024, 42 construction contracts for highway, bridge, and other improvement projects were completed in the district through PennDOT's private-sector partners.
Route 22 Bridges
(Howe Township)
Replacement Project
Cost: $11.2 million
County: Perry
I-83 Resurfacing Project (City of Harrisburg, Swatara Twp., Lower Paxton Twp.)
Cost: $4.9 million
County: Dauphin
Centerville Road Interchange Improvement Project
Cost: $36.3 million
County: Lancaster
This is a project to replace the eastbound and westbound Route 22 bridges spanning Route 34 in Howe Township, Perry County.
Work began in 2021. To keep traffic open in both directions at the bridges, one lane of traffic from eastbound Route 22 was shifted to the westbound side of the highway so the eastbound bridge could be demolished and replaced.
Once the eastbound bridge was completed, the long-term traffic pattern was reversed so the westbound bridge could be demolished and replaced.
This pattern remained in place until the project was completed in September of 2023.
Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., of State College, PA, is the prime contractor on this $11,196,822 project.
Cost: $11.2 million
County: Perry
This is a 4.8-mile resurfacing project on Interstate 83 in Dauphin County. The project extends from Cameron Street in the City of Harrisburg, through Swatara Township, to Union Deposit Road in Lower Paxton Township.
This project includes concrete patching, milling, paving, and other work on the I-83 mainline, as well as on ramps and bridges within the project limits.
JD Eckman, Inc., of Atglen, PA, is the prime contractor on this $4,884,987 project. Work is expected to be completed by November 20, 2023.
Cost: $4.9 million
County: Dauphin
The Centerville Road Interchange Improvement project consists of structure replacement, Superpave overlay, base replacement, roadway widening, milling, guiderail improvements, drainage improvements, pavement markings, ADA improvements, traffic signal improvements, and other miscellaneous construction at Centerville Road and Route 30 in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County. Some of this work extends into Manor Township.
The project includes work on Centerville Road from Cornerstone Drive to Marietta Avenue (Route 23), and Marietta Avenue from Centerville Road to Stony Battery Road.
JD Eckman, Inc., of Atglen, PA is the prime contractor on this $36.3 million project. Work is expected to be completed by July 22, 2025.
Cost: $36.3 million
County: Lancaster
=PennDOT's Engineering District 8 is responsible for the state-maintained transportation network in this region. This includes 5,230 road miles and 3,404 bridges.
We also work with local governments, elected officials, stakeholders and the public on keeping people and goods moving safely and efficiently in this region.
State-Maintained Road Miles
State-Maintained Bridges
* Filled salaried positions. Does not include wage jobs, which fluctuate seasonally.
PennDOT's 11 Engineering Districts throughout the state maintain, restore, and expand the state's highway systems. Each office does its part to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system on the nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,400 bridges that PennDOT is responsible for. More information about PennDOT's operations and the state highway system is available in PennDOT's Fact Book (PDF).
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