Adopt PA Kids

​Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PAE)

The Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PAE) was established in 1979 by the Department of Human Services to help County Children and Youth agencies find adoptive families for Pennsylvania's waiting children. PAE is a major component of the Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) as it serves the counties, SWAN affiliate agencies, the general public and interfaces with other state and national adoption exchanges. PAE is not an adoption agency but serves to connect families who want to adopt with children waiting for a permanent home. Final decisions about adoption are the sole responsibility of the county agency with custody of the child.


What Do We Do?

As part of our service, this Web site helps to recruit and assist families who are interested in adopting or learning more about Pennsylvania's waiting children.


Who Are These Children?

The children in our photo album are in the custody of a county children and youth agency or a private adoption agency. They are special children who require special families. Many have suffered from abuse or neglect. These children may be older, part of a minority group or a siblings group. Many may have one or more disabilities. Like all children, they will thrive in a family that accepts and nurtures them and helps them reach their full potential.


How Does PAE Connect Children and Families?

In addition to this Web site, PAE provides the following services to children, families, and agencies:

  • Matching and Referral — Families registered with PAE are identified using a computer database with children identified to meet their interest. Families and agencies are notified about the suggested matches through the referral process.
  • Child Photo Listing Book — This book contains the same children as those featured on our Web site. The book is available in more than 250 foster care and adoption agencies throughout the nation.
  • Recruitment — The recruitment of prospective families for our waiting children is a fundamental mission. PAE participates in many activities to connect waiting children with interested families including outreach, training, and referral.
  • Information and Referral — PAE acts as a clearinghouse for information about the many aspects of adoption, including the adoption process, financial assistance, contacting birth parents and managing the PA Adoption Information Registry. If we cannot answer your questions, you will be referred to another source for that information.

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), which is in part comprised of the Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.