Employment Training & Resources

DHS is increasing employment opportunities for the people we serve. We have an "Employment First" focus which means we are:

  • Improving interdepartmental collaboration. We're working with several state agencies to ensure we're best serving the employment needs of Pennsylvanians.
  • Applying performance-based contracts, leading to more job placements for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Implementing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to enhance the employment and training opportunities for the people DHS serves.

On March 10, 2016, Executive Order 2016-03 was signed establishing an 'employment first' policy while increasing competitive-integrated employment for pennsylvanians with a disability.


Participant Review Tool

The Participant Review Tool was designed to elicit information from the participant in order to help the Service Coordinators determine whether the participant needs additional, different and / or varied services, including additional community activities and employment.


Pennsylvania Directory of Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA)

WIPA is a statewide service designed to help you to understand work incentives available under the SSI and SSDI programs.

Certified Employment Support Professional

CESP credential recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a sufficient level of knowledge and skill to provide integrated employment services to a variety of populations. Below is more information on CESP.

Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a participant-centered training program for individuals 55 years old or older who have income equal to or less than 125% of the Federal Poverty Guideline. The purpose of the program is to provide skill training opportunities in not-for-profit organizations to prepare participants for full-time or part-time unsubsidized employment in either public or private organizations. SCSEP has two program goals; to provide community service and assist participants in obtaining employment. Participants can remain in SCSEP for up to 48 months.

Authorized under Title V of the Older Americans Act (OAA), as amended, SCSEP operates in all 50 US states and nearly every US territory by 50 State governments and 19 national sponsors. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA), is awarded a SCSEO grant from the United States Department of Labor (DOL) to operate the SCSEP program in Pennsylvania as a state grantee. PDA awards SCSEP grants to Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and other non-profit organizations, here after collective referred to as sub-grantees, to operate local SCSEP programs. Currently, there are seven (7) AAAs and The AARP Foundation operating in Pennsylvania. These organizations are: AAA of Westmoreland County, Lycoming/Clinton Bi-County Office of Aging, Greater Erie Community Action Committee, Southwestern PA. AAA, Inc., Lancaster County Office of Aging, Luzerne/Wyoming Counties Bureau for Aging, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, and the AARP Foundation. There are also seven (7) national SCSEP sponsor that receive funds directly from DOL and operate throughout the commonwealth. these national sponsors are Associates for Training and Development (A4TD), The ARP Foundation, The National Asian Pacific Center for Aging, The National Council on Aging, The National Association for Hispanic Elderly/Asociacion Nacional Pro Personal Mayores, The National Urban League, and The WorkPlace. To find your local SCSEP program representatives please contact your areas Area Agency on Aging.