Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

​Third-Party/Alternate EVV (Technical Specification Documents)

A PCS provider may use either the Department of Human Services' (DHS) Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system or an approved third-party EVV system chosen by the provider.

An approved EVV system is one that can provide the necessary data elements as outlined in the Alternate EVV technical specifications documentation (below) and that can align with the data being captured by the Sandata system. Providers using a third-party EVV system will need to review with their vendor and follow with the technical specifications and related addendums that are available on the DHS website. Effective July 1, 2019, providers interested in utilizing an approved third-party EVV system, or have questions prepared specific to Alternate EVV, may contact the Sandata Alternate EVV support team to ensure the data interfaces will align. Please note, initial contact with the Sandata Alternate EVV support group should be made by the providers and they should have their vendor contact information readily available, as it will be requested.

Please Note: The Sandata Alternate EVV Town Hall information may be found on the EVV Public Meetings page. An updated list of the certified and recertified Alternate EVV vendors will be shared at a later date.

DHS Aggregator

The DHS Aggregator allows providers to continue to use a third-party system (also referred to as Alternate EVV) for visit verification. The six Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data requirements are transmitted from the Alternate EVV system to the DHS Aggregator using DHS and Sandata's data specifications which will be made available once business rules are finalized. The DHS Aggregator includes a read-only web portal for the provider to view their data and a payer web portal which includes alerts, real-time data views, and reporting.

Technical Specifications Documents

Contact Information

  • Phone: 855-705-2407
  • Email: PAAltEVV@sandata.com.
    *Please note that this contact information is specific for inquires related to Alternate EVV.