Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services

Pennsylvania offers county-administered programs for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, and autism (ID/DD/A) to live and thrive in their homes and communities.

What is an intellectual or developmental disability?

An intellectual disability is a permanent condition that affects a person's ability to learn and function in daily life that occurs during the developmental period up to age 22. 

Autism is a spectrum disorder that has a wide range of severity and symptoms. Common symptoms include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors. 

Pennsylvania’s intellectual/developmental disability and autism services are based on a flexible and dynamic system of supports that are provided close to a person’s home and community. Because each person and their needs are different, this service system is tailored to each individual to provide dignity and choice in how they live their lives. With the support of family and friends, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can decide what supports they need, how to manage their budgets, and be responsible for their own decisions and actions.

Who can I contact for help?

Intellectual and developmental disability services are administered through county Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID) program offices. The county MH/ID offices serve as a referral source and most services are delivered by local agencies under contract with the county office. The county MH/ID office determines a person's eligibility for service funding and if found eligible a person will receive a supports coordinator. The supports coordinator will:

  • Talk with you about what kinds of supports and services would be helpful.
  • Offer you an opportunity to complete an application for the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Program.
  • Enroll you in services that require completing applications.
  • Help you develop your individual plan.
  • Help you talk with individuals or agencies in the community that could support you.
  • Coordinate and monitor supports and services.

The Department of Human Services, the Office of Development Programs toll-free Customer Service Line: 1-888-565-9435. Toll-Free TTY Number (Telephone for Hearing-Impaired Only) 1-866-388-1114. A Customer Service member will answer calls during normal business hours, which are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday.

Services and Supports Directory

The Services and Supports Directory is a tool for individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families, and the individual's team to locate services and service providers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The directory can help you locate particular service providers or search for services and supports provided in an individual's community. This directory does not include information on all providers, only those who have chosen to be listed. 

ID Publications

The fundamental concept of Everyday Lives is that with the support of family and friends, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities decide; how to live their lives; what supports they need; and how they want to spend the money in their individual budgets. It also means that they are responsible for their decisions and actions.