Intellectual Disabilities Services

​Person/Family Directed Support Waiver

The Pennsylvania Person/Family Directed Support Waiver is designed to help individuals with an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability to live more independently in their homes and communities and to provide a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.

Eligibility criteria

  • The following diagnosis and age requirements apply:
    • Individuals of any age with an intellectual disability or autism (ID/A)
    • Children with a developmental disability under age 9 with a high probability ID/A diagnosis
    • Individuals under age 22 with a developmental disability due to a medically complex condition
  • Level of Care
    • Medical Evaluation
    • Diagnosis of ID/A or developmental disability
  • Recommended for an intermediate care facility (ICF) level of care based on a medical evaluation
  • Determined eligible for Medicaid in Pennsylvania
  • Meet the financial requirements as determined by your local County Assistance Office
  • Individual cost limit of $41,000 per person per fiscal year
    • Excludes Supports Coordination and Supports Broker Services
    • The limit can be exceeded by $15,000 for Advanced Supported Employment or Supported Employment services


  • Advanced Supported Employment
  • Assistive Technology
  • Behavioral Support
  • Benefits Counseling
  • Communication Specialist
  • Community Participation Support
  • Companion
  • Consultative Nutritional Services
  • Education Support
  • Family/Caregiver Training and Support
  • Family Medical Support Assistant
  • Home Accessibility Adaptations
  • Homemaker/Chore
  • Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Services
  • In-Home and Community Support
  • Music, Art, and Equine Assisted Therapy
  • Participant-Directed Goods and Services
  • Remote Supports
  • Respite
  • Shift Nursing
  • Small Group Employment
  • Specialized Supplies
  • Specialty Telehealth and Assessment Team
  • Supported Employment
  • Supports Broker
  • Supports Coordination
  • Therapy
    • Physical
    • Occupational
    • Speech
    • Language
    • Orientation, Mobility, and Vision
  • Transportation
  • Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations