In 2018, voting systems in Pennsylvania were approaching the end of their useful life. Most of the equipment in use at that time was older than the first iPhone. Their software and hardware would soon be unsupported by manufacturers.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has called on all state and local election officials to make certain that by the 2020 presidential election every American votes on a system that produces a paper record or ballot that can be checked and verified by the voter and audited by election officials.

New machines will ensure that Pennsylvanians are voting on the most secure and accessible voting systems available and that audits of election results can be easily and accurately accomplished.

When did Pennsylvania get new voting machines?

As of the June 2, 2020, primary election, all 67 of Pennsylvania's counties have deployed voting systems that produce voter-verifiable paper records and meet 21st-century standards of security, auditability and accessibility.

In April 2018, the Department had informed counties they must select voting systems that meet the new criteria no later than December 31, 2019, and implement the systems by the 2020 primary.

Status of voting system certification

Any voting system selected by a county must be certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and the Pennsylvania secretary of state. The EAC and the Pennsylvania Department of State evaluate voting systems under current federal and state standards. Pennsylvania has developed new standards of security and accessibility that manufacturers must meet to achieve state certification. View a list of all certified voting systems and electronic poll books on The Department's website.

Certified Voting Systems