Enterprise Case Management (ECM)

ECM Individuals Participants

DHS expects those we serve will experience the following benefits as a direct result of ECM:

  • Improved coordination of care and service planning, because ECM will allow for greater visibility into an individual's/participant's services when they are shared across programs within ECM
  • Increased ability for individuals/participants to take a more active role in planning the care they receive, because ECM will allow individuals/participants to see their information in near-real time, by asking questions, providing information, or viewing information about their services and supports
  • Enhanced ability for individuals/participants to quickly respond to tasks or issues that arise because ECM will allow for streamlined communications
  • Added ability for individuals/participants to manage their own appeals, because ECM will allow for the electronic submission, management, and monitoring of appeals
  • Strengthened communication among individuals/participants, DHS, counties, and business partners because ECM will allow all stakeholders to have access to case information in one tool

ECM will enable individuals/participants, and authorized representatives to access the status of their case, care plan, and other related information via an online portal. An authorized representative is someone designated by an individual with a case in ECM, who can view, obtain, and/or provide information related to the individual's case. ECM means individuals/participants can better tell their story, share information, and see where they are in their case (e.g. referral, eligibility, enrollment, evaluation, planning), and gain efficiencies in how they can interact regarding their services.

The nature and extent of permissible access will depend on the stakeholder's role, duties, and what they may legally access.

ECM will provide helpful tools for individuals/participants via an online portal, enabling them to review and provide input on their services more effectively.