For nearly 1.7 million Pennsylvanians, food insecurity is a daily part of life. 

Hunger is a symptom of the greater issue of poverty, a far too prevalent condition that touches both urban and rural areas of the commonwealth affecting families, children, older adults, and people with disabilities.

We have one goal: A hunger-free Pennsylvania.

To truly end hunger in Pennsylvania, it will take a commitment from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors to ensure the availability of a holistic array of interventions and supports to lift low-income families out of poverty.

At the Department of Human Services (DHS), we strive to provide all Pennsylvanians with access to healthy, nutritious food, which will improve their well-being, health, and independence. Pennsylvania will leverage the strength of our community and business partners; federal, state, and local resources; and innovations in the charitable food network to set the table for a hunger-free Pennsylvania.

Apply for SNAP

Apply for SNAP

Learn more about SNAP

Learn more about SNAP

Food Programs

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For Children & Families

For Children & Families

For Older Adults

For Older Adults

Food Banks & Pantries

Food Banks & Pantries

Governor's Food Security Partnership Report

Accomplishments, innovations, and recommendations to support a clear path forward toward food security in the Commonwealth.