2024 Home and Community-Based Rate and Wage Study
The Department of Human Services (DHS) released reports on the results of a rate and wage study for its long-term services and supports (LTSS) home and community-based services (HCBS) program.
HCBS are offered through Medicaid as an alternative to facility or institutional care. Reimbursement rates for these programs are set by DHS and are informed by an actuarial rate setting process and a public comment process. LTSS help older Pennsylvanians and adults with physical disabilities.
The study assesses rates paid to LTSS providers for the following services (see below), and the findings are used to inform the Commonwealth’s budget and future rate setting processes.
- Adult day programs
- Structured day habilitation
- Employment and training
- Residential habilitation
- Personal assistance (offered through a home care agency)
- Personal assistance (participant-directed services)
Additional information about the study:
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Quality Improvement Funding Opportunity
Agency with Choice-Public Input
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding
Act 54
- Act 54 Reporting Webinar – July 17, 2024
- Nursing Facility Ventilator/Tracheostomy (Vent-Trach) Provider Payment ($4,283,000)
- Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR) ($26,767,000)
- Agency Personal Assistance Provider Payment ($59,957,000)
- Adult Daily Living Provider Payment ($6,959,000)
- Residential Habilitation Provider Payment ($535,000)
- LIFE Provider Payment ($5,353,000)
- Nursing Facility Medicaid Days Payment ($104,926,000) - Updated October 14, 2022
- Nursing Facility Licensed Bed Payment ($26,231,000)
- Act 54 Funding Distribution
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Act 54 Payments - Notification, Instructions, and Timelines for Personal Care Homes (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR)
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Act 54 Payments - Notification, Instructions, Timelines for Nursing Facilities (NF) Not Enrolled in the Medical Assistance (MA) Program
- Act 54 Payment Letter to Nursing Facility Providers
- Act 54 Payment Letter to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Providers
- Act 54 Payment Letter to Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) Providers
Strengthening the Workforce
- Strengthening the Workforce and Adult Day Services (ADS) Payment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Updated February 15, 2022
- Strengthening the Workforce Letter to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers
- Strengthening the Workforce Letter to Adult Day Services (ADS) Providers
- Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) Provider Attestation form for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers
- Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) Provider Attestation form for Adult Day Services (ADS) Providers
- Strengthening the Workforce Payments to Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Providers
- Strengthening the Workforce Payments to Residential Habilitation (Res Hab) Providers
- Strengthening the Workforce Payments to Adult Day Services (ADS) Providers
- Strengthening the Workforce Payments Communication
Direct Care Workers Through Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL)
- Questions and Answers on Rate Increase
- Direct Care Worker Billable and Pay Rate Update
- How to Determine Direct Care Worker's Maximum Wage
Act 24
- Nursing Facility Payment 1 ($198,000,000)
- Nursing Facility Payment 2 ($49,000,000)
- Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) Payment 1 ($27,000,000)
- Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) Payment 2 ($3,000,000)
- Facility Acceptance Forms Received by DHS
- Facility Acceptance Form
- ARPA Payment Letter to Providers
- ARPA Funding Distribution
- Indoor Air Management Strategies Grant Program - Request for Applications (eMarketplace)
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 1
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 2
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 3
- Indoor Air management Approved Grants - Week 4
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 5
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 6
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 7
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 8
- Indoor Air Management Approced Grants - Week 9
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 10 & 11
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 12 & 13
- Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 14
CARES Act Cost Report Forms
- COVID-19 Personal Care Home (PCH) Act 24 Cost Reporting Form
- COVID-19 Non Public Nursing Facility (NF) Act 24 Cost Reporting Form
- COVID-19 Agency Personal Assistance Services (PAS) and Home Health Agency (HHA) Act 24 Cost Reporting Form
- COVID-19 Adult Day Care Act 24 Cost Reporting Form
- COVID-19 Licensed Residential Habilitation (Res Hab) Act 24 Cost Reporting Form
CARES Act Payments
- Adult Day Services (ADS) Payment ($13,000,000)
- Home Health Care and Home Care Agency Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Payment ($112,000,000)
- Nursing Facility Payment 1 ($196,000,000)
- Nursing Facility Payment 2 ($49,000,000)
- Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR)
Payment ($45,000,000)
- PCH Payment ($5,000,000)
- Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Payment ($10,000,000)
- Community HealthChoices (CHC) Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Payment ($50,000,000)
- Residential Habilitation (Res-Hab) Payment ($1,000,000)
- Ventilator or Tracheostomy (Vent-Trach) Care Payment ($8,000,000)
- Act 24 Non-MA Provider Payment Status
CARES Act Additional Resources
- Act 24 COVID-19 Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation (11/16/20)
- Act 24 COVID-19 Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation Slides (11/16/20)
- Act 24 COVID-19 Non-Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation (11/20/20)
- Act 24 COVID-19 Non-Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation Slides (11/20/20)
- Act 24 COVID-19 Non-Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation (12/1/20)
- Act 24 COVID-19 Non-Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation Slides (12/1/20)
Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment, and Financial Exploitation
Ensuring the health and safety of program participants is one of the waiver assurances required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Additionally, state laws are in place requiring service coordinators and direct service providers to report abuse, neglect, abandonment and financial exploitation. Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) service coordinators and direct service providers are mandatory reporters under the law.
Adult Protective Services
To report the need for protective services, call the 24-hour statewide Protective Services Hotline at 1-800-490-8505
In 2010, the Adult Protective Services Law, Act 70 of 2010, was enacted to provide protective services to adults between 18 and 59 years of age who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The law establishes a program of protective services in order to detect, prevent, reduce and eliminate abuse, neglect, exploitation, and abandonment of adults in need. Learn more about Adult Protective Services.
Older Adults Protective Services
Statewide Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-490-8505
The Department of Aging is responsible for oversight and implementation of the Older Adults Protective Services Act for individuals over the age of 60.
Waiver Participant Informational Materials
In order to ensure consistent information throughout each county, OLTL requires all Service Coordination agencies to provide standardized materials to all waiver participants. These materials have been translated from English into the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Khmer (Cambodian), Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. View corresponding bulletins relating to this material.
OLTL HCBS Provider Handbook
The Provider Handbook outlines applicable programs, policies, and procedures for all providers serving participants in OLTL HCBS Programs.
View copies of appendix forms.
Financial Management Services
Financial Management Services are available to participants who receive participant-directed services in the Community HealthChoices (CHC) and Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) waivers or the Act 150 program. For participants that choose to direct their services, a Vendor Fiscal Employer Agent (VF/EA) organization acts as the employer agent on behalf of the participant. The fiscal support services include administrative payroll functions such as the management of federal and state income tax withholding and employment taxes and locality taxes, processing direct care worker timesheets, brokering worker's compensation insurance policies, and preparing and distributing financial reports.
In-Person Drop-In Sessions
Financial Management Services (FMS) Stakeholder Meeting Materials
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 9.3.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 9.3.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 10.1.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 10.1.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 12.3.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 12.3.21
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 1.7.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 1.7.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 2.4.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 2.4.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Agenda 2.18.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 2.18.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 2.18.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Agenda 3.4.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 3.4.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 3.4.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 4.1.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 4.1.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 4.1.22
- FMS Transiion Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 5.6.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 5.6.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 5.6.22 (Webinar)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 5.6.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 6.3.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 6.3.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 6.3.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 6.17.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 6.17.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 6.17.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 7.1.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 7.1.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 7.1.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 8.5.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 8.5.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 8.5.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 9.2.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 9.2.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 9.2.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 10.7.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 10.7.22 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 10.7.22
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 1.6.23 (Slides)
- FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 1.6.23
FMS Sample Forms
- CLE Agreement Form
- CLE Participant Change Form
- DCW Qualification Form
- DCW Termination Form
- Designated Representative Form
- Good to Go Process
- DCW Timesheet
- DCW Agreement
Letters from MCOs regarding the FMS transition can be found here in the Documentation section of the page.
- Direct Care Worker Unique ID
- Service Coordination Afterhours Phone Numbers
- Long-Term Care Nursing Facility Providers
- Long Term Living Training Institute
- Domiciliary Care
- HCBS Waiver Provider Agreement
- HCBS Waiver Revalidation Information
- OLTL Training and Technical Assistance
- Needs Assessment
- Notice of Service determination and the RIGHT to Appeal (MA561)
- Nursing Home Transition Program Overview
- Office of Medical Assistance Programs Provider Bulletins
- Order Medical Assistance Forms
- PROMISe Provider Enrollment Base Application CHECKLIST
- Quality
- Self-Direction
OLTL Home HCBS Regulations and Rates
On May 19, 2012, the Long-Term Living Home and Community-Based Service Regulation went into effect. The following documents contain the regulation as it appears in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and instructions on billing for services. The OLTL Billing Instructions Bulletin contains information on quarter-hour unit billing, billable and non-billable activities for service coordinators, and new rates.
MA Fee Schedule Rates
- OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2025
- OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2022
- OLTL HCBS Rates May 26, 2020
- OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2020
- OLTL HCBS Rates July 1, 2018
- OLTL HCBS Rates October 1, 2017
- OLTL HCBS Rates December 1, 2016
- OLTL HCBS Rates November 19, 2016
- OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2016
- OLTL HCBS Rates October 28, 2015
- OLTL HCBS Rates July 1, 2014
- OLTL HCBS Rates January 26, 2013
- OLTL HCBS Rates June 1, 2012
- OLTL Fee Schedule Rates-Regions
OLTL MA Rate Notices
- November 6, 2021 (ACT 150 and OBRA Rates)
- August 24, 2019 (OBRA Rates)
- November 30, 2019 (ACT 150 Rates)
- Nov. 19, 2016 (Employment Rates)
- Jan. 1, 2016 Rate Notice (Overtime)
- Oct. 28, 2015 Rate Notice (Waiver Changes)
- Sept. 13, 2014 Rate Notices (Service Coordination)
- Sept. 13, 2014 Rate Notices (PAS Consumer-Directed)
- Sept. 13, 2014 Rate Notices (PAS Agency)
- Jan. 26, 2013 Rate Notice (Service Coordination)
- Jan. 26, 2013 Rate Notice (Enrollment)
- July 14, 2012 Service Coordination • Rate Notice
- June 30, 2012 Aging Waiver Enrollment
- June 9, 2012 Rate Notice
Billing Rates
Service Coordination: HCSIS Information
Service Coordination: FAQ
Conflict-Free Service Coordination
HCBS Regulation: FAQ
Training & Technical Assistance
- Critical Incident Management Training: Incident Reporting
- Service Plan Assurances and Performance Measures Training March 2015 (PowerPoint)
- Risk Mitigation Webinar
- Risk Mitigation PowerPoint
- Employment and Employment Related Services Webinar (8/23/16
- Employment Webinar (11/2016)
- Employment Webinar FAQ (11/2016)
Related material:
- PPL Contract Summary as Posted to PA Treasury Website
- Public Partnerships' Web Portal Instruction Guide for Service Coordinators
- FMS FAQ #1 for Service Coordinators 9/27/2012
- FMS FAQ #2 for Service Coordinators 9/27/2012
- FMS FAQ #3 for Service Coordinators
- FMS FAQ #4 for Service Coordinators
- Existing EIN Took Kit
- New Participant FMS Referral Form w-Options